March 22, 2025

Pleasant Hill Homes for Sale

  Sold By Debbie Wright

Temporary Funding Verification of Employment

CRITICAL UPDATE RE: RE-VERIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT The following form must be signed just before loan funding. Because of the sudden massive layoffs and job losses due to COVID-19 most lenders have updated their procedures to re-confirm, before funding, the borrower is still employed. If the borrower’s employer cannot verify the borrower is actively still employed and […]

How Coronavirus Shelter in Place Closing is Affecting Mortgages

HOW SHELTER IN PLACE IS EFFECTING HOME FINANCING See in detail how the new 2020 recession is effecting mortgage rates here. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac offer help to homeowners in COVID-19 crisis Two of the country’s best-known mortgage lenders want to help people to keep their homes. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac both released statements […]

2020 Refinance Boom – Coronavirus Market Crash!

Due to everything that is going on with the Coronavirus, markets crashing, and overall fast paced changes we’ve been seeing, we wanted to keep you updated as things change and develop in the mortgage markets. How is lending affected? How will this affect real estate transactions? Just about EVERY INDUSTRY and every person will be […]

Bay Area Real Estate – Who Pays Property Taxes.

Who pays property taxes when purchasing a home in Pleasant Hill, Concord, Walnut Creek or Lafayette. Home buying questions answered.

C2 Financial Online Mortgage Application

Apply online quickly with C2 Financial. We can process your mortgage application almost 100% online. Of course your mortgage expert is always ready to help you through the process and available via phone or email. Fill out your C2 Financial mortgage application here and get pre approved same day.

Using Your Bay Area Home as Part of your Financial Plan

Seems like EVERYONE wants to offer you a home value report right? When you get online everyone and their mother wants to give you a valuation on your home?  Boring right? Are you looking for an ACCURATE home value report for your Bay Area home that you can count on and refer back to on […]

First Time Home Buyer Down Payment Assistance Contra Costa

Take a quick look over my shoulder as I compare two very popular low down payment scenarios apples to apples with a zero down payment loan program that most lenders won’t even tell you about. Right now there are several Down Payment Assistance Programs available in Contra Costa County. Currently there is a program in […]

[Buyer Crash Course] How to Buy a Bay Area Home This Year

The Real Estate market forecast to be great for potential home buyers that were frustrated with massive competition in the few years past. People always ask me… “How do I buy a house in the Bay Area?” If you are looking to buy in the Diablo Valley East Bay Area? We focus and specialize in […]


Are you looking for the fastest closing on your home loan or new mortgage?  Not only are we a DIRECT LENDER but we also work with over 50 different banks and lending partners all over California. Our team is recognized as a top producing Mortgage Broker among of over 500 throughout California. If you’re looking […]

What to Expect in the Home Loan Process

Looking for a Bay Area Mortgage Pre Approval? The home loan process in the Bay Area can be full of challenges and “turbulence” sometimes.  Rest assured the challenges are 100% worth it in order to become a home owner. If you want to cut to the chase and get your pre approval just go here. […]

Fast Bay Area Mortgage Loan Pre Approval

It’s so easy to get a mortgage pre-approval letter. It should only take about 15 minutes on the phone with a good Loan Officer and just a bit of work gathering a few income documents. We specialize in getting you pre approved fast in cities like Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Concord, Martinez and Lafayette, or […]

[CASE STUDY] 10 Day Mortgage Closings on a Home Purchase?

2019 HOME LOAN PURCHASE CLOSED IN JUST 12 DAYS In this most recent case study we closed this purchase loan in just 12 days!! The loan was submitted on August 28th 2019 and we had closing docs ready on 9/11/2019 We closed this purchase loan in only 10 days! In this recent case study I […]

6 Reasons It’s a Good Idea to Look at a Refinance

Paying a mortgage can feel like a trap sometimes! It feels like mortgage companies are sticking it to you right? Whether you recently bought a home two or three years ago, or if you’ve been paying on your current mortgage for several years there’s one thing that is certain. Mortgage servicer’s are interested in one […]

Bay Area Sales Slow Mortgage Rates Hit 6 Month Lows

Bay Area Real Estate costs are changing and changing quickly.  Mortgage Rates have as of late dropped to a half year 2017 low. In this video I will show you… Mortgage Rate trend charts, Real Estate Market Reports for my main market (you can set up your own report if you want) A GREAT OPPORTUNITY […]

Bay Area Lowest Down Payment Options to Buy A Home

HOW MUCH DO I NEED FOR A DOWN PAYMENT IN THE BAY AREA? What is the lowest down payment option when it comes to purchasing a home here in the California bay area? The common misconception is that a down payment on a bay area house purchase could often buy you an entire house in […]

Thinking of Buying in 2019?

Here is the latest on East Bay Area Down Payment Options. Look over my shoulder, as I compare low down payment options to our zero down payment option that many home buyers are getting approved for recently. In this quick 10 minute video, I will show you a real life scenario comparison between two popular […]

Bay Area Reverse Mortgages

Seniors all around Pleasant Hill are taking control of their finances without giving away their lifestyle.  Did you know that the home equity conversion mortgage that is federally insured can help you purchase a home with no monthly payments, or refinance your current home with no monthly payments, if you are 62 and older. Many […]

Buying A Bay Area House with A Low Down Payment Loan

Did you know that you can still buy a home with a low down payment mortgage with using as little as 1% of your own money for your down payment? Before the market crashed in 2007 “no down payment loans” were used on almost every transaction when first time home buyers with limited to no […]


YOU BUY WE PAY CLOSING! For a limited time we are offering to PAY FOR ALL CLOSING FEES on your home purchase! You might ask “How they heck can you pay for all the closing fees and still make a living?” There are terms and conditions for this offer and we will only offer this […]

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