March 22, 2025

California Mortgage Brokers – Bay Area Loan Rates Continue Upward, Is the Refinance Boom Alomost Over?

Mortgage interest rates are ticking up a bit in the California Bay Area and nationwide as well. Does this mean you’ve missed your window to refinance into the the lowest interest rates we’ve ever seen in history…  Will you still be able to refinance or will you have to resort to a private portfolio lender? […]

Bay Area Mortgage Rates Today – Rates Rise After Fiscal Cliff Deal

  Current mortgage rates in the SF Bay Area sky rocket in the New Year after “Fiscal Cliff” deal gets pushed through in Congress. It’s very difficult to gauge the long term direction of the market place but over the last few years I’ve gotten really good at predicating “short term mortgage rate trends” I […]

Bay Area Mortgage Interest Rates Spike This Week!

Bay Area mortgage rates spike right before the Christmas Holiday and the end of the year… How will the new tax laws continue to impact the mortgage market and the local real estate upward trend? #BayArea Real Estate Rising Mortgage Rates Spook Housing: It doesn’t take much to send borrowers running for… #SF — […]

How To Get Your Business On the Top Page of Google: Three Simple Steps

So Jason Wheeler works at Google and I’ve found out that he used to be the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and is now a VP of Finance of this massive search engine giant! He’s an imposter… Just kidding but he’s not me! I’m Not the Jason Wheeler Poker Champ or Baseball Player Either I’ve found […]

Todays Best Mortgage Rates: Current Trends, Charts and Calculators Explained by Jason Wheeler Bay Area Mortgage Broker

Todays current mortgage rates in the California Bay Area are trending upwards this week from the previous week. In this quick video I will show you how you can follow the mortgage rate market and indicate good timing for locking in a loan if you are shopping for real estate or in the middle of […]


Check out this video training where I demonstrate side by side in real time against my stiffest competition.  I will almost always out price my competitors on any given day. I CHALLENGE YOU TO FIND BETTER APPLES TO APPLES PRICING! I’ve been a bay area mortgage broker since 2003 Although it seems you always hear […]

How Can I Remove Negative Errors From My Consumer Credit Report for Free – Dispute Letter Sample Download Template

As a Mortgage Broker and lender in the SF Bay Area one of the questions that people often ask me is “How can I remove negative items from my credit report?” Did you know you can remove items with just a bit of know how and the right tools and language? If you have items […]

Bay Area Mortgage Rates Trend Downward After Obama Election Victory… Will It Continue?

Bay Area mortgage rates trended downward sharply after the Obama victory last week along with a stock market that completely tanked. What influences these kind of swings in that markets? Financial worries in Europe, the “Fiscal Cliff” and in general investors tend to be a bit more partial and have more confidence when their is […]

Video: Seasoned Bay Area Mortgage Broker Talks About Rates, Pricing Loan Programs and Educational Recources

In this quick tutorial training I talk about the most common Bay Area Mortgage questions. As a Mortgage Broker since 2003 in the CA Bay Area I get a ton of questions on a regular daily basis. I wanted to put together a quick off the cuff non scripted training for people in the CA […]

Bay Area Mortgage Broker Talks About Today’s Rate Trends After Hurricane Sandy

  Mortgage backed securities tanked the first day the money markets were open after Hurricane Sandy however bay area mortgage rates remain steady and mostly unchanged. After two days with the markets being closed due to the horrible storm on the east coast the Bay Area Mortgage Rates open a bit lower than they were […]

15 Tips to Save Money with a Green Bay Area Home Without Making Huge Investments

Guest Post by Carmen Brettel is a writer and manager for, where she has recently been researching returning student grants. In her spare time, Carmen enjoys gardening and volunteering at animal shelters. Saving money on bay area homes isn’t easy, often because many future savings first require steep investments.  Although this is a sound […]

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