March 22, 2025

New Concord Home for Sale

Concord homes for sale. Best concord realtor featured property for sale. First time home buyer special financing programs available.

How Coronavirus Shelter in Place Closing is Affecting Mortgages

HOW SHELTER IN PLACE IS EFFECTING HOME FINANCING See in detail how the new 2020 recession is effecting mortgage rates here. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac offer help to homeowners in COVID-19 crisis Two of the country’s best-known mortgage lenders want to help people to keep their homes. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac both released statements […]

Weekly Wrap Up – Bay Area Mortgage Rates Back on Fire?

Mortgage rates are lower than they were at the close last week.  Volatility is lower considerably since last week.  If you missed the bottom a few weeks ago now may be a good time to take another look at a Cashout Refinance. Right now we are seeing massive volume increases from homeowners looking for cash […]

Bay Area Sales Slow Mortgage Rates Hit 6 Month Lows

Bay Area Real Estate costs are changing and changing quickly.  Mortgage Rates have as of late dropped to a half year 2017 low. In this video I will show you… Mortgage Rate trend charts, Real Estate Market Reports for my main market (you can set up your own report if you want) A GREAT OPPORTUNITY […]

Thinking of Buying in 2019?

Here is the latest on East Bay Area Down Payment Options. Look over my shoulder, as I compare low down payment options to our zero down payment option that many home buyers are getting approved for recently. In this quick 10 minute video, I will show you a real life scenario comparison between two popular […]


When you are looking for a Mortgage Broker in Concord CA give us a shout. Read the rest of the article here If you enjoyed keeping up with this info, can you do me a huge favor please? Can you “like” my business page here if you are on Facebook. ——————————- I truly value and appreciate my […]


Thank you very much for reading and downloading this Bay Area Real Estate Consumer Awareness Guide. The reason for this handbook is so that you could gain more knowledge and awareness in regards to purchasing a home here in the Diablo Valley in Contra Costa County. Purchasing and financing a home can be one of […]


A lot has changed this month compared to last month in the local real estate market. Inventory is still very low prompting more competition between buyers. Unexpectedly, interest rates have fallen to near fifty-year lows. People everywhere are applying for financing and trying to buy home. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO GET YOUR FINANCIAL […]


I’ve been getting some great feedback from recent market updates I’ve been doing on YouTube and mailing out to my list.  Here is an example of my most recent Weekly Wrap Up. Those of you that have been responding personally via email or with a phone call or signing up for our most recent classes […]


If I were considering financing/refinancing a home, I would…. Lock if my closing was taking place within 7 days… Lock if my closing was taking place between 8 and 20 days… Lock if my closing was taking place between 21 and 60 days… Lock if my closing was taking place over 60 days from now… […]


If you want an up to date trend report on exactly what bay area mortgage rate trends are doing watch the video below. The rate drop today was so significant I decided to make a quick 6 minute video showing you how I stack up to my competition and why anyone that recently bought a […]


When you’re in the market shopping and out for getting the best mortgage rates on a home loan there obviously several things to consider. Working with a broker or bank? What company to choose? Should you work with the big bank or a small bank? All of these things factor into your experience and results […]

[Case Studies] Fastest Bay Area Mortgage Closings

We pride ourselves in offering consumers in the East Bay Area the BEST in mortgage options and services.  We can offer you more than our competition, with a faster, easier process and the best in elite mortgage pricing on any given day. WE CAN OFFER YOU… The fastest mortgage closings in California as quick at […]

What is the Value of my Bay Area Home – Free Detailed Property Report

We are eager to serve the Bay Area and surrounding cities we are offering a free detailed property report to help you determine the value of the home you live in. We want to give you this detailed report for FREE? JUST CLICK HERE ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS SCROLL DOWN AND FILL IN […]

Current Mortgage Rates for Bay Area Real Estate

Consumers were shocked last week when mortgage rates failed to shake out downward after recent rises and instead showed major traction and momentum upwards. Will the rise continue long term and how will it effect Bay Area Real Estate Prices? Mortgage Rates Rise Higher in Biggest Two Day Jump on Record   Mortgage Loan Originators […]

Reviews and Testimonials for Pleasant Hill Bay Area Mortage Broker Jason Wheeler

Nothing makes my day quite like a local reviews from an amazing client in my home town of Pleasant Hill CA for my Mortgage Broker services. Thanks so much to my happy clients that truly make it all worth it. She made this review in March of 2013 on the popular site Review for […]

California Mortgage Brokers – Bay Area Loan Rates Continue Upward, Is the Refinance Boom Alomost Over?

Mortgage interest rates are ticking up a bit in the California Bay Area and nationwide as well. Does this mean you’ve missed your window to refinance into the the lowest interest rates we’ve ever seen in history…  Will you still be able to refinance or will you have to resort to a private portfolio lender? […]

Bay Area Mortgage Rates Today – Rates Rise After Fiscal Cliff Deal

  Current mortgage rates in the SF Bay Area sky rocket in the New Year after “Fiscal Cliff” deal gets pushed through in Congress. It’s very difficult to gauge the long term direction of the market place but over the last few years I’ve gotten really good at predicating “short term mortgage rate trends” I […]

Bay Area Mortgage Interest Rates Spike This Week!

Bay Area mortgage rates spike right before the Christmas Holiday and the end of the year… How will the new tax laws continue to impact the mortgage market and the local real estate upward trend? #BayArea Real Estate Rising Mortgage Rates Spook Housing: It doesn’t take much to send borrowers running for… #SF — […]

Todays Best Mortgage Rates: Current Trends, Charts and Calculators Explained by Jason Wheeler Bay Area Mortgage Broker

Todays current mortgage rates in the California Bay Area are trending upwards this week from the previous week. In this quick video I will show you how you can follow the mortgage rate market and indicate good timing for locking in a loan if you are shopping for real estate or in the middle of […]

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