As a Mortgage Broker and lender in the SF Bay Area one of the questions that people often ask me is “How can I remove negative items from my credit report?” Did you know you can remove items with just a bit of know how and the right tools and language? If you have items […]
How Can I Remove Negative Errors From My Consumer Credit Report for Free – Dispute Letter Sample Download Template
Bay Area Mortgage Rates Trend Downward After Obama Election Victory… Will It Continue?
Bay Area mortgage rates trended downward sharply after the Obama victory last week along with a stock market that completely tanked. What influences these kind of swings in that markets? Financial worries in Europe, the “Fiscal Cliff” and in general investors tend to be a bit more partial and have more confidence when their is […]
Bay Area Mortgage Broker Talks About Today’s Rate Trends After Hurricane Sandy
Mortgage backed securities tanked the first day the money markets were open after Hurricane Sandy however bay area mortgage rates remain steady and mostly unchanged. After two days with the markets being closed due to the horrible storm on the east coast the Bay Area Mortgage Rates open a bit lower than they were […]
Bay Area Mortgage Broker Says: Save Money on Your Bay Area Mortgage Using Equity Accelerator
You can Save Money on Your Bay Area Mortgage Using Equity Accelerator Want to Pay off your mortgage twice as fast as you originally planned and save thousand in interest? …Of course you do! If you want to get the most savings while paying off your bay area home loan I always recommend to my […]
Bay Area Mortgage Broker Talks About Rates and Real Estate Trends in the SF Bay Area
Bay area mortgage rates continue to bounce around all time lows and now continues to be an amazing time to buy or refinance your bay area real estate. People often ask me if they should wait or take advantage of what is going on in the marketplace right now… Well it is impossible to tell […]
FHA Mortgage Insurance Rates are Going Up in April 2012 for Bay Area Borrowers
Posted by Jason Wheeler | Fully Follow Me | Subscribe The FHA is said to be raising mortgage insurance rates in April 2012 from 1.00% to 1.75% and the monthly premium is going from 1.10% to 1.20%. This means you need to get off the fence and buy that home you’ve been thinking about […]
[Video] Big Banks like Citi Mortgage Settle for over 26 Billion Consumers to Benefit
Posted by Jason Wheeler | Fully Follow Me | Subscribe It will be quite interesting to see how this all plays out. I would guess that if you bought your home with an options ARM and you never refinanced these loans would likely be the first to get a slice of this settlement with the […]