March 28, 2025

Ben Bernanke and FED to Keep Rates Low? Reports Suggest it is Expected in Next Weeks Meeting

We were all really surprised a few months ago when the FED decided to postpone tapering of federal aid and bond purchasing keeping Mortgage interest rate “artificially low” for the time being. Let’s not be too surprised this time if these early reports are incorrect okay… This is the news that Bloomberg reports and other […]

Do You Have to Pay Taxes on a Short Sale?

Many have been wondering “Do you have to pay taxes on a short sale” and a ton of people have asked me about this on Facebook in the last several months. Well the verdict is in… This is great news is you recently had to “short sale” your home in 2013. In the past there […]

Most Common Errors to Get Your Mortgage Application Denied and UnApproved

All too often many people end up ruining their mortgage approval before the loan is closed.  I see this all the time and clients often freak out have major stress and anxiety. Here are the most common errors people make to get their loan denied.  Make Sure Your Loan Gets Approved: What NOT to do […]

VIDEO TRAINING: How Negotiate Your Mortgage and Student Loan Debt – Debt Reductions and Forgivness

Do you want to know how you can negotiate your student loan debts to less than 39% of what you owe? Have you ever wondered if it is possible to avoid foreclosure, keep your home and have a ton of mortgage debt forgiven? Do you feel like you are under a mountain of debt after […]

How to Remove Late Payments From Your Credit Report

If you want ot know how to remove late payments from your credit report you can run a credit simulation (see attached) it is normally about 90% accurate. If you really have a ton of debt and have creditors calling you non stop HERE IS HOW YOU CAN NEGOTIATE A CREDIT PAYOFF EXAMPLE: Remove Late […]

[Case Studies] Fastest Bay Area Mortgage Closings

We pride ourselves in offering consumers in the East Bay Area the BEST in mortgage options and services.  We can offer you more than our competition, with a faster, easier process and the best in elite mortgage pricing on any given day. WE CAN OFFER YOU… The fastest mortgage closings in California as quick at […]

What is the Value of my Bay Area Home – Free Detailed Property Report

We are eager to serve the Bay Area and surrounding cities we are offering a free detailed property report to help you determine the value of the home you live in. We want to give you this detailed report for FREE? JUST CLICK HERE ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS SCROLL DOWN AND FILL IN […]


Are you a frustrated home buyer in the Bay Area that is tired of the low inventory and the constant competition in the market place? Get to the properties before they are listed and the masses have access to them by requesting your Bay Area foreclosure listing report Are you tired of competing with multiple […]

Free Pre-Foreclosure Property Auction Listings in the California Bay Area

Thank you for ordering you FREE Foreclosure List or local property value report. We will send you you report in the city you requested within 24 hours. We are Looking Forward to Serving you!

Martinez CA Real Estate For Sale – 1534 Ridgewood Martinez CA – Open House This Sunday 7/21/2013 – Listed by Jason Wheeler

Home Open This Sunday 7/21/2013 Join us for our Sunday Open House from 1pm to 4pm in Martinez Amazing home for sale in the Holiday Hills Martinez CA area. 30 second walk away from the Holiday Highlands Park.  Completely updated with new appliances, custom tile flooring and a great composite deck entertaining area in the […]

Current Mortgage Rates for Bay Area Real Estate

Consumers were shocked last week when mortgage rates failed to shake out downward after recent rises and instead showed major traction and momentum upwards. Will the rise continue long term and how will it effect Bay Area Real Estate Prices? Mortgage Rates Rise Higher in Biggest Two Day Jump on Record   Mortgage Loan Originators […]

Buy Pleasant Hill Real Estate: Search Listings Agents and Realtor Sources Top Sites

When you are looking to buy Pleasant Hill Real Estate you will want to look for listings, find an agent. I wanted to put together a list of some of my favorite and the most popular sites for finding what you need. If you need to get a pre-approval for a mortgage you can get […]

Pleasant Hill Real Estate Listing from Walnut Creek Realtor Steve Poirier

Buying Pleasant Hill Real Estate? This listing is from Steve Poirier a Realtor in Walnut Creek Get Pre Approved for a loan to Buy this Pleasant Hill Real Estate Listing

Pleasant Hill Real Estate Listings For Sale: Agents Don and Norma Flaskerud

Pleasant Hill Real Estate is a great way to build wealth while living in an amazing city with a small town feel that still has everything you need with shopping and downtown fun. This featured listing is from a few very popular and seasoned Pleasant Hill Real Estate agents. The first thing you should do […]

Pleasant Hill CA Real Estate for Sale: Find an Agent Get Listings and Evaluate Prices Today

Buying Pleasant Hill Real Estate can be a great way to get started with a family in an amazing town. If you are a first time home buyer or a real estate investor, it does not matter Pleasant Hill CA is a great place to buy a home, settle down and start building equity or […]

Driven Business Pro Entrepreneur Interview Series: Amazing Ideas Action and Results Stories from Amazing Entrepreneurs

I’m super excited to launch my Driven Business Pro Interview Series, and I want YOU to participate. READ THE DETAILS ON MY IDEA BELOW If you like the idea ask me about it on one of my social media profiles. As a business owner and entrepreneur since 2003 in the lending business, not only am […]

Reviews and Testimonials for Pleasant Hill Bay Area Mortage Broker Jason Wheeler

Nothing makes my day quite like a local reviews from an amazing client in my home town of Pleasant Hill CA for my Mortgage Broker services. Thanks so much to my happy clients that truly make it all worth it. She made this review in March of 2013 on the popular site Review for […]

Farida Chapman Realtor – Jumbo Portfolio Private Loans for Bay Area Realtor Listings

Farida Chapman Bay Area Realtor has and awesome Jumbo Portfolio Listing right now in Pleasanton California. 3711 Trenery Dr  –  Pleasanton CA 94588 Open House 3/3/13 from 1 – 4 PM Offered at $3,499,000Grand Victorian EstateThis beautiful Victorian estate is situated on 1.5 exquisite acres of property and boasts sweeping hillside views. Built in the […]

Bay Area FHA Streamline Loan Refinance Requirements, Calculators, Rates & Closing Costs Explained

The FHA Streamline refinance program is a great option for Bay Area home owners to lower their monthly payments. If you recently purchased with an FHA loan… you should know …The Federal Housing Administrations purpose is to help offer aid to homeowners to make housing and home ownership attainable and affordable. You would be wise […]

Todays Best Mortgage Rates: Current Trends, Charts and Calculators Explained by Jason Wheeler Bay Area Mortgage Broker

Todays current mortgage rates in the California Bay Area are trending upwards this week from the previous week. In this quick video I will show you how you can follow the mortgage rate market and indicate good timing for locking in a loan if you are shopping for real estate or in the middle of […]

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