March 22, 2025

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Newest Pleasant Hill Homes for Sale

Pleasant Hill Housing Market Trends

In January 2022, the median listing home price in Pleasant Hill, CA was $869K, trending up 10.1% year-over-year. The median listing home price per square foot was $547. The median home sold price was $1.1M. Newest Homes for Sale in Pleasant Hill HOMEOWNERS: Get Homebot for Free

Pleasant Hill Homes for Sale

  Sold By Debbie Wright

Temporary Funding Verification of Employment

CRITICAL UPDATE RE: RE-VERIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT The following form must be signed just before loan funding. Because of the sudden massive layoffs and job losses due to COVID-19 most lenders have updated their procedures to re-confirm, before funding, the borrower is still employed. If the borrower’s employer cannot verify the borrower is actively still employed and […]

2020 Refinance Boom – Coronavirus Market Crash!

Due to everything that is going on with the Coronavirus, markets crashing, and overall fast paced changes we’ve been seeing, we wanted to keep you updated as things change and develop in the mortgage markets. How is lending affected? How will this affect real estate transactions? Just about EVERY INDUSTRY and every person will be […]

Pleasant Hill Real Estate Market Trends Spring 2019

2018 was a horrible time to be a home buyer right? So much competition among buyers, bidding wars and closing prices well over what the seller was originally asking right? A few times per year we like to drill down and take a really close look at the real estate and lending market. We’re always […]

Using Your Bay Area Home as Part of your Financial Plan

Seems like EVERYONE wants to offer you a home value report right? When you get online everyone and their mother wants to give you a valuation on your home?  Boring right? Are you looking for an ACCURATE home value report for your Bay Area home that you can count on and refer back to on […]

[Buyer Crash Course] How to Buy a Bay Area Home This Year

The Real Estate market forecast to be great for potential home buyers that were frustrated with massive competition in the few years past. People always ask me… “How do I buy a house in the Bay Area?” If you are looking to buy in the Diablo Valley East Bay Area? We focus and specialize in […]

Bay Area Home Prices Rising Or Falling?

HOME PRICES FALLING OR INCREASING WITH MORTGAGE RATES? Are Bay Area home prices going to continue increasing or will they begin falling in 2017?  Today, in this quick video, I wanted to hang out with you for just a few minutes and talk a little bit about the direction of mortgage rates since the election […]

Buying A Bay Area House with A Low Down Payment Loan

Did you know that you can still buy a home with a low down payment mortgage with using as little as 1% of your own money for your down payment? Before the market crashed in 2007 “no down payment loans” were used on almost every transaction when first time home buyers with limited to no […]


Thank you very much for reading and downloading this Bay Area Real Estate Consumer Awareness Guide. The reason for this handbook is so that you could gain more knowledge and awareness in regards to purchasing a home here in the Diablo Valley in Contra Costa County. Purchasing and financing a home can be one of […]


A lot has changed this month compared to last month in the local real estate market. Inventory is still very low prompting more competition between buyers. Unexpectedly, interest rates have fallen to near fifty-year lows. People everywhere are applying for financing and trying to buy home. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO GET YOUR FINANCIAL […]


Do you have a goal setting method that you use on a regular basis in order to plan and attain your goals yearly, quarterly, or monthly? A couple weeks ago I told you that I was going share my 2016 goals with you.  Here they are. I wanted to share my goals this year for […]


Obviously the Bay Area Real Estate market has been very hot and we’ve seen some massive appreciation in the last two years or so since the 2012 summer. The question is will the appreciation continue or are buyers better off waiting for the Bay Area Real Estate priced to drop.  If you are looking to […]


PLEASE HELP ME… MY GOAL IS TO HAVE A STUDY SET OF AT LEAST 200 REALTORS Can I please ask for 1 minute of your time? Will you fill out this survey? All great top producing REALTORS needs relationships with a great Loan Officer…  What makes the perfect partnership between Agent and Lender? C’mon… Lets […]


This is a good reason why you should have a real estate professional sell your home for you… It is always difficult selling your home but it probably doesn’t help if your online brochure includes naked pictures of yourself in the bathroom. This homeowner in Texas was desperate to sell his apartment and went to […]


Do you think that maybe “You’ve hired the worst Mortgage or Real Estate Agent” These are some “major signs you’ve chosen the wrong agent” or Realtor to help you with your sale or your purchase Mostly this post is just for fun! Buying and selling real estate can be super stressful, the last thing you […]


Here are a few things about Social Media and different ways you can use it for dominating your local Real Estate market with visual campaigns… if done properly you can be sure that you will most always be thought of FIRST when you are running a campaign THREE MAIN REASONS YOU WANT TO DOMINATE YOUR […]

Major Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Real Estate

Not too long ago I wrote up a list of things that will surely destroy your ability to secure a real estate loan. You will definitely want to learn about the major mistakes to avoid when buying Real Estate Many consumers that are shopping with a pre-approval letter don’t realize that you can really screw […]

Secret Private Money: 13 Scenarios California Direct Private Portfolio Lender Funded When Banks Said “NO”

Thanks for being here.  In this posting I will show you several portfolio scenarios that can help you close more transactions when other conventional lenders tell you and your client NO. As a bonus check out my crash course on some of the most common lending questions for first time home buyers. When you have […]

Open Homes in Walnut Creek this Weekend

  If you are looking to purchase Real Estate in Walnut Creek and you would like to see what homes are going to be open on Sunday ———————————————————— HERE IS A LIST OF OPEN HOMES IN WALNUT CREEK COMING UP ———————————————————— If you are shopping for Real Estate in the Walnut Creek Area click the […]

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