March 21, 2025

Temporary Funding Verification of Employment

CRITICAL UPDATE RE: RE-VERIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT The following form must be signed just before loan funding. Because of the sudden massive layoffs and job losses due to COVID-19 most lenders have updated their procedures to re-confirm, before funding, the borrower is still employed. If the borrower’s employer cannot verify the borrower is actively still employed and […]

How Coronavirus Shelter in Place Closing is Affecting Mortgages

HOW SHELTER IN PLACE IS EFFECTING HOME FINANCING See in detail how the new 2020 recession is effecting mortgage rates here. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac offer help to homeowners in COVID-19 crisis Two of the country’s best-known mortgage lenders want to help people to keep their homes. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac both released statements […]

2020 Refinance Boom – Coronavirus Market Crash!

Due to everything that is going on with the Coronavirus, markets crashing, and overall fast paced changes we’ve been seeing, we wanted to keep you updated as things change and develop in the mortgage markets. How is lending affected? How will this affect real estate transactions? Just about EVERY INDUSTRY and every person will be […]

Bay Area Lowest Down Payment Options to Buy A Home

HOW MUCH DO I NEED FOR A DOWN PAYMENT IN THE BAY AREA? What is the lowest down payment option when it comes to purchasing a home here in the California bay area? The common misconception is that a down payment on a bay area house purchase could often buy you an entire house in […]

Bay Area Home Prices Rising Or Falling?

HOME PRICES FALLING OR INCREASING WITH MORTGAGE RATES? Are Bay Area home prices going to continue increasing or will they begin falling in 2017?  Today, in this quick video, I wanted to hang out with you for just a few minutes and talk a little bit about the direction of mortgage rates since the election […]


Do you have a goal setting method that you use on a regular basis in order to plan and attain your goals yearly, quarterly, or monthly? A couple weeks ago I told you that I was going share my 2016 goals with you.  Here they are. I wanted to share my goals this year for […]

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