March 21, 2025

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Pleasant Hill Custom Home Financial Reports

Using Your Bay Area Home as Part of your Financial Plan

Seems like EVERYONE wants to offer you a home value report right? When you get online everyone and their mother wants to give you a valuation on your home?  Boring right? Are you looking for an ACCURATE home value report for your Bay Area home that you can count on and refer back to on […]


Are you looking for the fastest closing on your home loan or new mortgage?  Not only are we a DIRECT LENDER but we also work with over 50 different banks and lending partners all over California. Our team is recognized as a top producing Mortgage Broker among of over 500 throughout California. If you’re looking […]


Do you have a goal setting method that you use on a regular basis in order to plan and attain your goals yearly, quarterly, or monthly? A couple weeks ago I told you that I was going share my 2016 goals with you.  Here they are. I wanted to share my goals this year for […]

Major Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Real Estate

Not too long ago I wrote up a list of things that will surely destroy your ability to secure a real estate loan. You will definitely want to learn about the major mistakes to avoid when buying Real Estate Many consumers that are shopping with a pre-approval letter don’t realize that you can really screw […]

Buy Pleasant Hill Real Estate: Search Listings Agents and Realtor Sources Top Sites

When you are looking to buy Pleasant Hill Real Estate you will want to look for listings, find an agent. I wanted to put together a list of some of my favorite and the most popular sites for finding what you need. If you need to get a pre-approval for a mortgage you can get […]

Pleasant Hill Real Estate Listing from Walnut Creek Realtor Steve Poirier

Buying Pleasant Hill Real Estate? This listing is from Steve Poirier a Realtor in Walnut Creek Get Pre Approved for a loan to Buy this Pleasant Hill Real Estate Listing

Pleasant Hill Real Estate Listings For Sale: Agents Don and Norma Flaskerud

Pleasant Hill Real Estate is a great way to build wealth while living in an amazing city with a small town feel that still has everything you need with shopping and downtown fun. This featured listing is from a few very popular and seasoned Pleasant Hill Real Estate agents. The first thing you should do […]

Pleasant Hill CA Real Estate for Sale: Find an Agent Get Listings and Evaluate Prices Today

Buying Pleasant Hill Real Estate can be a great way to get started with a family in an amazing town. If you are a first time home buyer or a real estate investor, it does not matter Pleasant Hill CA is a great place to buy a home, settle down and start building equity or […]

Bay Area Mortgage Broker Says: Save Money on Your Bay Area Mortgage Using Equity Accelerator

You can Save Money on Your Bay Area Mortgage Using Equity Accelerator Want to Pay off your mortgage twice as fast as you originally planned and save thousand in interest? …Of course you do! If you want to get the most savings while paying off your bay area home loan I always recommend to my […]

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