March 22, 2025

Walnut Creek Jumbo Loans: What is the Lowest Rate Today and What Exactly is a Jumbo Loan?

Jumbo mortgage loans for Walnut Creek CA homes can be hard to get approved for if you aren’t working with a Loan Officer or Mortgage Broker that knows exactly how to structure your loan. Most consumers applying for these large Jumbo Loans in the Walnut Creek area have complicated tax returns with K-1s and many […]

Bay Area Mortgage Rates Today – Rates Rise After Fiscal Cliff Deal

  Current mortgage rates in the SF Bay Area sky rocket in the New Year after “Fiscal Cliff” deal gets pushed through in Congress. It’s very difficult to gauge the long term direction of the market place but over the last few years I’ve gotten really good at predicating “short term mortgage rate trends” I […]

Todays Best Mortgage Rates: Current Trends, Charts and Calculators Explained by Jason Wheeler Bay Area Mortgage Broker

Todays current mortgage rates in the California Bay Area are trending upwards this week from the previous week. In this quick video I will show you how you can follow the mortgage rate market and indicate good timing for locking in a loan if you are shopping for real estate or in the middle of […]


Check out this video training where I demonstrate side by side in real time against my stiffest competition.  I will almost always out price my competitors on any given day. I CHALLENGE YOU TO FIND BETTER APPLES TO APPLES PRICING! I’ve been a bay area mortgage broker since 2003 Although it seems you always hear […]

Bay Area Mortgage Broker Talks About Today’s Rate Trends After Hurricane Sandy

  Mortgage backed securities tanked the first day the money markets were open after Hurricane Sandy however bay area mortgage rates remain steady and mostly unchanged. After two days with the markets being closed due to the horrible storm on the east coast the Bay Area Mortgage Rates open a bit lower than they were […]

Bay Area Mortgage Rates Still at All Time Lows Is it Time to Refinance?

Bay Area mortgage rates really are at an all time low according to ABC 7 and this trend is keeping mortgage brokers all over the bay area plenty busy moving homeowners from their old adjustable rate loans into today’s attractive fixed rates. Many mortgage brokers are experiencing a major refinance boom right here in the […]

Bay Area Mortgage Broker Talks About Rates and Real Estate Trends in the SF Bay Area

Bay area mortgage rates continue to bounce around all time lows and now continues to be an amazing time to buy or refinance your bay area real estate. People often ask me if they should wait or take advantage of what is going on in the marketplace right now… Well it is impossible to tell […]

Lakewood Listings in Walnut Creek. Bay Area Real Estate Agent Talks About Trends, News and Market Services

  Bay area real estate agent talks about the real estate listings available in the Lakewood area of Walnut Creek California. Bay area real estate agents like Steve have great knowledge on the bay area real estate market trends that are currently pushing prices up or down in any given real estate market. A bay […]

Bay Area Real Estate Market Trends Are Talked About by Agent Saverio R. Pellicano

  In this video Saverio R. Pellicano talks about bay area real estate trends in cities like Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill, Lafayette and Orinda. Saverio has a lot of great charts and data on the bay area real estate market and showcases great knowledge on the status of the inventory available for sale in the […]

Bay Area Real Estate Agent Lisa Doyle Talks About Trends, Rates, News and Inventory in the Bay Area Real Estate Market

  Bay area real estate agent Lisa Doyle with J Rockcliff Realtors in Walnut Creek talks about bay area mortgage interest rate trends in the current market. Looking at bay area real estate trends are important to look at if you are looking at bay area real estate listings in cities like Walnut Creek, Pleasant […]

Bay Area Real Estate Trends Services and Listings, Find a Great Agent

  Check out this video on the bay area real estate market. By learning more about the bay area real estate trends in Contra Costa you will be better equipped to buy a bay area listing. If you are looking for bay area real estate services like mortgage financing or a great bay area real […]

Loan Fraud: Don’t Do the Crime and you Wont Do any Time

Loan sharks and fraud are pretty much a thing of the past in this industry I would say for the most part. There used to be agents everywhere creating false fraudulent documents but the penalties are just too crazy now. Don’t do the crime and you won’t do the time. This guy is one of […]


How can you get a mortgage in the CA Bay Area when the subject property is an investor flip? It was pretty exciting to go into the Labor Day holiday this week knowing my amazing clients who found me on the popular site from the great reviews on the site a few months back […]

Using Assets as Income to Qualify For a California Mortgage Loan

  Asset based lending in CA Bay Area Cities like Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Orinda and Pleasant Hill is alive and well. Did you know that if you have a large amount for liquid assets in a mutual fund or stock account, but you are having trouble documenting income as defined by the IRS on your […]

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