March 22, 2025


PLEASE HELP ME… MY GOAL IS TO HAVE A STUDY SET OF AT LEAST 200 REALTORS Can I please ask for 1 minute of your time? Will you fill out this survey? All great top producing REALTORS needs relationships with a great Loan Officer…  What makes the perfect partnership between Agent and Lender? C’mon… Lets […]


When the FED speaks the markets react… and today they did not react positively for the consumers that are still looking to buy Real Estate in the California Bay Area… In an already expensive market when rates rise 1% it dissolves a borrowers ability purchase by $100,000.  Two things are likely to happen… Prices will […]


This is a good reason why you should have a real estate professional sell your home for you… It is always difficult selling your home but it probably doesn’t help if your online brochure includes naked pictures of yourself in the bathroom. This homeowner in Texas was desperate to sell his apartment and went to […]


The guys at Model Pranksters on Youtube are Getting homeless people that are down on their luck to arm wrestle for our enjoyment may sound a little cynical at first, but just wait… THIS DOES NOT END UP THE WAY YOU MIGHT THINK This stunt from our pals Model Pranksters is more than that. We […]


How can I pay less in taxes?  People are always asking this question.  Paying taxes is something that stresses a lot of business owners and Real Estate Pros out all year round.  It seems like good old Uncle Sam is taking more and more every year right? This post will be quick because…  Me an […]


Why do you think the “best leaders seem like they do so much less hard work?” Why is it some work hard to the bone while others make millions from a single idea? Why do CEOs and millionaires catch so much flack for doing nothing?  They get paid to much and IT SEEMS LIKE do […]


Here are a few things about Social Media and different ways you can use it for dominating your local Real Estate market with visual campaigns… if done properly you can be sure that you will most always be thought of FIRST when you are running a campaign THREE MAIN REASONS YOU WANT TO DOMINATE YOUR […]

A Bit About Where I Came From and What I’ve Achieved

Be Sure to Follow On Facebook For Real Time Updates To Follow: FOOL PROOF FORMULA TO GET WHATEVER YOU WANT If you don’t know me… I wanted to give a quick introduction and why you should listen. 1.   I’m  happily married with two kids and a dog! (HAPPY) 2.   I love dogs pizza and […]

Less Bay Area Homes Underwater Now

With some amazing appreciation in the last year and hopes pretty high for the summer to come, many Bay Area home owners that have been “underwater” on their loan for years are beginning to see equity. This is giving many the opportunity to sell or refinance into loans with better terms finally. The fact is […]

Best Mortgage Company for Loan Officers: Banker & Broker 1099 Pay 90% Commissions

We are looking for experienced independent Loan Officers that know how to close loans in California, Nevada, Washington, Florida, Colorado, Oregon and Texas. If you are a seasoned Loan Officer and you want to get paid 1099 income read below and then contact us for information that you will need to get started. Best bay […]

Plan to Payoff Debt Fast: Debt Reduction Calculator Avalanche Excel Spreadsheet Download

AMAZING VALUE WITH THIS DEBT REDUCTION SNOWBALL or AVALANCHE CALCULATOR I use this custom debt reduction calculator personally.  It comes as an easy to use Excel spreadsheet, and you can download it for free by clicking the link below. I originally found this spreadsheet on the everything Excel template site vertex42. They’ve got some great templates […]

Ben Bernanke and FED to Keep Rates Low? Reports Suggest it is Expected in Next Weeks Meeting

We were all really surprised a few months ago when the FED decided to postpone tapering of federal aid and bond purchasing keeping Mortgage interest rate “artificially low” for the time being. Let’s not be too surprised this time if these early reports are incorrect okay… This is the news that Bloomberg reports and other […]

Do You Have to Pay Taxes on a Short Sale?

Many have been wondering “Do you have to pay taxes on a short sale” and a ton of people have asked me about this on Facebook in the last several months. Well the verdict is in… This is great news is you recently had to “short sale” your home in 2013. In the past there […]

New Oakland Listings Upper Millsmont Ridge – Amazing Views

Are you looking for “New Oakland Listings” Come join us this Sunday in the charming quiet safe neighborhood of the “Upper Millsmont Ridge” for our Open House. This home in Oakland California has an amazing view from the Upper Millsmont Ridge. Hey by the way… I would LOVE your feedback on this place?  Would you […]

VIDEO TRAINING: How Negotiate Your Mortgage and Student Loan Debt – Debt Reductions and Forgivness

Do you want to know how you can negotiate your student loan debts to less than 39% of what you owe? Have you ever wondered if it is possible to avoid foreclosure, keep your home and have a ton of mortgage debt forgiven? Do you feel like you are under a mountain of debt after […]

[Case Studies] Fastest Bay Area Mortgage Closings

We pride ourselves in offering consumers in the East Bay Area the BEST in mortgage options and services.  We can offer you more than our competition, with a faster, easier process and the best in elite mortgage pricing on any given day. WE CAN OFFER YOU… The fastest mortgage closings in California as quick at […]

Friend or Follow Me – Jason Wheeler’s Social Networks

Thanks for coming here to my personal blog and checking me out.  I set this page up so you can “Friend or Follow” me on all of my social networks that I’m active on these days. All large companies and brands use social media to stay in touch with their main base of clients, customers […]

Buy Pleasant Hill Real Estate: Search Listings Agents and Realtor Sources Top Sites

When you are looking to buy Pleasant Hill Real Estate you will want to look for listings, find an agent. I wanted to put together a list of some of my favorite and the most popular sites for finding what you need. If you need to get a pre-approval for a mortgage you can get […]

Pleasant Hill Real Estate Listing from Walnut Creek Realtor Steve Poirier

Buying Pleasant Hill Real Estate? This listing is from Steve Poirier a Realtor in Walnut Creek Get Pre Approved for a loan to Buy this Pleasant Hill Real Estate Listing

Pleasant Hill CA Real Estate for Sale: Find an Agent Get Listings and Evaluate Prices Today

Buying Pleasant Hill Real Estate can be a great way to get started with a family in an amazing town. If you are a first time home buyer or a real estate investor, it does not matter Pleasant Hill CA is a great place to buy a home, settle down and start building equity or […]

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