March 24, 2025

4 Simple Steps to a Perfect Business Elevator Pitch: Examples, Outline, Format & Startup

If you are in a referral direct networking business it is important you have a perfect business elevator pitch down and ready for anytime you might need to use it.

When you are an entrepreneur or a Real Estate Investor it can be very difficult to ask that age old question “What do you do?”

One of my favorite blogs and a mentor to anyone that builds their business by referral has some pretty good advice on how to address this simple but not always easy question. The best thing I’ve found is to have a super “effective elevator pitch” or speech.

Perfect Elevator Pitch Formula Examples and Outline

When Do you Use an Effective Elevator Pitch

Networking Now Says

When someone asks you what you do, what are the first words out of your mouth?  If the words aren’t ready to roll off your tongue, then read on . . .

When someone asks you what you do, make sure you’re ready with a response that is succinct but memorable. The attention span of the average adult is only 20 seconds; a long, drawn-out answer to the question isn’t going to work. You need to develop an effective elevator pitch.

Focus on creating a unique selling proposition (USP)–a mini commercial that you can readily use while networking. I think of this as a personal answer to the age-old “Whattaya do?” question, which we’ve all been asked about a million and a half times.

Many in business call this the Personal Infomercial or and Effective Elevator Pitch. (You should get your point across in the time you take an elevator with someone)

What an “Effective Elevator Pitch” is not:

An effective elevator pitch is not a “sales pitch.” on your product or service.

A great formula that I have found effective that can work for just about any business can be found in these simple steps.

Do not try and hard close someone in the first 2 minutes of meeting them.  NOBODY LIKES THIS. Do you?

Before delivering any kind of pitch try to ask the person you’re talking to as many questions as possible so you can better tailor your pitch to their needs.

What an “Effective Elevator Pitch” Is

To me a truly perfect elevator pitch is a quick way of finding out if you can strike curiosity into the person you are talking to in order to create a referral, connection or an appointment.

Normally you would practice delivering your elevator pitch only when someone opens the door for you to deliver it by asking something like…

What do you do?

What’s keeping you busy? ext ext.

How are things going?

Before You Deliver Your Elevator Pitch…

Before you try and deliver an elevator pitch be sure you spend some time asking the person you’re talking to questions…

Find out what THEY do, find out what problems THEY have.

People genuinely appreciate when you are interested in them, try to learn what they need and want BEFORE you try to deliver your pitch.

This is probably the MOST important aspect of networking in general.

4 Simple Steps to Creating the Perfectly Effective Elevator Pitch

  1. Identify who you can help by starting with… I show people who (need to save money, want to buy real estate, want to own their home, can’t get a mortgage,)
  2. Identify what you can help them with…. how they can (increase their revenue, income, own a home, pay less on their mortgage)
  3. Identify why they can benefit... so they can (have more time freedom, enjoy home ownership, reap tax benefits, spend more time with family)
  4. Ask if they know anyone like that… end with a question or ask for a referral.

Here is a finished example of an effective elevator pitch or speech:

I use this all the time in the current real estate market.

Let’s say I’m out and about, unwinding at the local restaurant and I strike up a conversation.

Very often the conversation leads to the age old question “What do you do?”

So the Final Effective Elevator Pitch Looks Like This…

If I’m in real estate I could say…

“I show everyday people how they can buy real estate and get the lending they need without the hassle of a retail bank, so they can enjoy home ownership and all of it’s benefits… Do you know anyone that would love to buy real estate at it’s lowest levels in years?”

If I work in marketing I could say something like…

“I show business owners how they can have a website set up for free so they can get found easier online and create more leads and closed business.. Do you have a website that works for you?.”

Or Maybe this…

“I show people who need more time and money how to launch a full time income so they can spend precious time with their families and take more vacations… Do you know anyone that is looking for more income today?”

You would be surprised on this one liner will open a conversation, create a referral or maybe the person you are talking to would love to learn more.

The really great thing about this 30 second perfect formula is that you can tailor it to ANY business or ANY opportunity you are working with.

9 out of 10 times I use it it leads to an opening where someone naturally wants to learn more about my business.

The point is it is not hard selling and it opens a door for somebody to learn more about you. I promise if you use this formula in your business you will have more success. Try it out for a while and let me know what you think.

If you find this information helpful please share it with you social networks, tweet it and feel free to ask me questions or add your own effective Elevator pitch or speech style in the comments section below!

If you’ve found this quick article useful you may also find some great value in our 5 subscriber treasures we give away for free here.

About Jason Wheeler - Real Estate & Lending

Thank you for visiting my website! I'm Jason Wheeler and I've been a top producing Bay Area consultant in real estate and finance since 2003. People are hands down my #1 passion. I believe relationships are the most important thing in the world. In the realm of real estate and financing however, things can be convoluted, frustrating and down right upsetting in a lot of cases. I work HARD to always make people first, and strive to not only help them with their Real Estate and financial goals but to pull back the curtains and EDUCATE people on the processes, what they can do, what they can’t do and how to make the pieces fit in any given situation.


  1. Gtardif3 says

    A very interesting subject.
    I have written your example in order to not forget it.
    Gaetan Tardif

  2. I think getting your elevator speech right is one of the hardest things most people try to do. Your tips are excellent and to the point. Thanks.


  3. Marylee Schultz says

    My favorite one that I have heard for a realtor, is “I help love birds find their nest” Personally it is something that I am constantly refining.

  4. Thanks for the suggestion Marylee. I love your one liner! What city do you mainly practice real estate in?

  5. I appreciate your comment Sharon! The elevator speech always needs to be refined and changed for whom you are talking to. I've had great success with this formula.

  6. I like the way you have broken this down – my pitch needs refining and I will use these prompts to help me do just that!

  7. Thank you Michelle for the compliment and I'm glad I can help. I like the work on your site. What city and state is your practice in?

  8. What kind of business will you be using this for? How have you been finding people to get in front of?

  9. Jason, rather than sharing this on my facebook or twitter, could I reprint it in our REIA newsletter – with credit to you of course. We are doing speed networking at our meeting this month and this article will help the members get their pitches ready.

  10. Kim you are more than welcome to feature this article in your news letter. If you would reference my site that would be great. Also it would be a great help if you spread this around a little with a retweet or facebook share. Thanks so much and I'm glad you've found some value in what I have to share.

  11. Thanks for the examples. I’m going to put this formula to use in my networking. Great tips.

  12. You can get more tips from me if you subscribe at Cheers.

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