March 24, 2025

EXCEL DOWNLOAD Bay Area Rent vs Buy Calculator xls

Just click the image below and you can download our custom rent vs buy excel calculator.

When you use this calculator you can take a close look at the cost/benefit of renting vs buying in the Bay Area.

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You may also like this calculator to see if it makes sense to rent vs buy.  Test it out here.

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About Jason Wheeler - Real Estate & Lending

Thank you for visiting my website! I'm Jason Wheeler and I've been a top producing Bay Area consultant in real estate and finance since 2003. People are hands down my #1 passion. I believe relationships are the most important thing in the world. In the realm of real estate and financing however, things can be convoluted, frustrating and down right upsetting in a lot of cases. I work HARD to always make people first, and strive to not only help them with their Real Estate and financial goals but to pull back the curtains and EDUCATE people on the processes, what they can do, what they can’t do and how to make the pieces fit in any given situation.

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