March 23, 2025


If you’re anything like me, then you probably spend a lot of time between Thanksgiving and the end of the year reflecting on your previous year goal setting. During this time, I like to look at the successes that I created, the failures that I had, challenges that I overcame, and also challenges and hardships that I was not able to overcome.

A very important part of this reflection is evaluating your failures right?

One item in particular that I was reflecting on this year has me thinking pretty hard. Being grateful and living in gratitude is so important in order to grow and live an overall happy life.

That one thing is where YOU invest your time and attention.  The world today is so filled with noise… I am very very grateful that anyone would even spend a minute reading my blog posts and staying in touch with me reading what I have to say.

For me this year has been full of new challenges, successes and things that I’ve never really done or achieved before, like being ranked the top Bay Area Mortgage Broker on Google

Here are four things that I’m super grateful for this year.


More than anything I am thankful for my amazing wife. She works so hard, she is so caring and supportive.

Over the course of the last year she has been working on the next level credential that is going to catapult her career. She keeps me grounded, while always supporting every single crazy endeavor that I’d like to go for. Not to mention she brought me my amazing dog and two kids. (She made me get the dog and then I fell in love with him and now he’s my all time best bud!) Every day I spend with Stacey humbles me and truly makes me feel like the luckiest man in the world.  My wife is the best!


Since my wife has been studying and in school full-time over the last year, I have had a unique opportunity to spend most of my time with my 2 1/2-year-old toddler Daughter and one year-old son. Although this has been very very challenging at times, I am unequivocally grateful for every moment that I get to spend with them during this time of their lives. I know in my heart of hearts that this time will go by super fast and that not many fathers truly get the opportunity to bond and connect with their children at this age like I have. We have been extremely lucky to have great help from my parents and stepparents and feel very happy and grateful that we have not needed to utilize daycare like many other families.  There are not too many things I can think of that are better than the opportunity I’ve had to stay home and watch my kids grow.


The third thing that I am super grateful for this year is the ability that technology has the bestowed upon us to create a lucrative business while still doing the above two items I already talked about.

If you had told me a few years ago that I would be able to stay home with my two children in diapers while my wife was in school full-time, all while running a lucrative business of almost $30 million in volume for the year of 2016…

I would’ve told you that you were absolutely crazy!

The amazing thing is that with technology email and mobile phones I have been able to still achieve one of my most productive years in business ever while being able to support my wife and family financially and watch my kids grow under my own influence.

I find it truly amazing and down right baffling that just about anybody with the will and drive to do so, can create a business income of some sort simply with a cell phone laptop and Internet connection.  There are millions of things you can sell… it does not have to be real estate related like my main business.


The fourth thing that I am grateful for is YOU!

In this day and age there is noise pulling you in every single direction. The fact that you were reading this, or the fact that you’ve ever read anything of mine, or if we’ve ever done business together, or if you’ve helped me personally, it gives me an overwhelming amount of gratitude to know that you have given me one thing.

Your time and attention!

Your time and attention is the most valuable thing that you have in this world. The fact that you had given me even a sliver of your attention this year humbles me greatly.

I honestly feel like I OWE YOU ONE.

If you ever need anything at all for me… ANYTHING in the form of my time or attention on a business or personal level, I truly and sincerely wish that you will reach out to me anytime you might have a question or think that I might be able to help you.


For next year, I am setting even bigger goals for myself, and I’m happy to say I’ve been able to maintain and achieve what I set out to do for my 2016 goals for last year.

I am going to level up my performance in my life as a whole. I am super excited about what the next year will hold for me and my family.

I’m also very excited, humbled and grateful that you are willing to give me a bit of your time and attention to follow me and my journeys.


About Jason Wheeler - Real Estate & Lending

Thank you for visiting my website! I'm Jason Wheeler and I've been a top producing Bay Area consultant in real estate and finance since 2003. People are hands down my #1 passion. I believe relationships are the most important thing in the world. In the realm of real estate and financing however, things can be convoluted, frustrating and down right upsetting in a lot of cases. I work HARD to always make people first, and strive to not only help them with their Real Estate and financial goals but to pull back the curtains and EDUCATE people on the processes, what they can do, what they can’t do and how to make the pieces fit in any given situation.

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