March 23, 2025

Friend or Follow Me – Jason Wheeler’s Social Networks

Thanks for coming here to my personal blog and checking me out.  I set this page up so you can “Friend or Follow” me on all of my social networks that I’m active on these days.

All large companies and brands use social media to stay in touch with their main base of clients, customers and prospects.

I like to use it as well in order to make connections and communicate with just about anyone who wants to learn more about local Real Estate, mortgage and lending options, and using online media to grow a business….

It is a great way to stay in touch and keep up.


  1. Maybe you were referred to me and you want to stalk my social networks to see what I’m about before actually getting in touch?  You should just call for sure…
  2. Maybe you saw me on Google and you want to see what all of the hype on me is about?
  3. Maybe we know each other from long ago and we need to catch up?
  4. Maybe you want to see what how I’m using social media in my business and copy it for yourself.

Regardless… I am all about real genuine relationship building here.  So reach out, follow all of my profiles and ask me a question if you want.

I’ll answer everyone of them.

Client Reviews on Yelp


Friend Me on Facebook

Okay… Everyone is on Facebook right? 

On this profile I keep it pretty light and casual.  If you want to get to know me personally this is a good place.  You may find I post about random things I think are funny and entertaining or what I had for dinner here…

Don’t worry… You will NOT see me ranting about politics or the latest trending lame news stories ever.



Jason Wheeler on Zillow


Facebook Business Page

Here I post about Real Estate, Lending and other items you might find useful if you are looking at East Bay Real Estate or Financing for a new home.  All business here for sure, aside from an occasional funny cartoon or joke about the crazy Real Estate industry.



Follow Me on Twitter

You know about Twitter… Its just for WHATEVER you want to say. Twitter is kinda weird but good for sharing all kinds of random things.  Normally if I find something interesting or a product or service that I have personally used that has helped me I will share it on Twitter.

If you are one here follow my stuff.  You will see I am interesting.




I’m very well connected on LinkedIn and if you use this network for your business you know how great it can be.  You might find me answering loan and real estate related questions or sharing marketing ideas with fellow business pros here.

If  you are starting a new job or even your own business contact me here and I would be happy to connect you with people that might be able to help you get started in whatever it is you are doing.



Google Plus

I’m not too active here… But hey!  It’s Google.  I figured since they are taking over the world I better have a profile right?



Always stay in touch and ask me a question anytime.  Or stay old fashioned and just give me a call.

The main point is no matter why you are on this page I welcome the connection and look forward to learning and growing with you.

– Jason Wheeler

About Jason Wheeler - Real Estate & Lending

Thank you for visiting my website! I'm Jason Wheeler and I've been a top producing Bay Area consultant in real estate and finance since 2003. People are hands down my #1 passion. I believe relationships are the most important thing in the world. In the realm of real estate and financing however, things can be convoluted, frustrating and down right upsetting in a lot of cases. I work HARD to always make people first, and strive to not only help them with their Real Estate and financial goals but to pull back the curtains and EDUCATE people on the processes, what they can do, what they can’t do and how to make the pieces fit in any given situation.


  1. shafeeq ahmed says

    hai iam shafeeq from india i just wanna know how to get first on Google front page plz reply me

  2. Hello, I am extremely interested in learning how to get my business listed on the top of page. I want to expand nation wide and ship my metal building packages all over the us. As of now we offer a turnkey building slab, building, and erection. I would like to sell just the buildings everywhere and ship them. Do you think you could help with this as I am not really internet savvy. Thank you so much and am excited to hear from you


  3. Hi Danny,

    Are you on Facebook? Go to my profile click the “follow” button and send me a private message with the following.

    What site and or business you want to rank and get traffic to. What is your monthly budget to make this happen? What kind of income result would you expect if your business was ranking really high?

    Talk soon.

  4. Sir please make site availble when typed ” Nandyal ” key word.I have seen your youtube vedio. Thankyou

  5. Hi Jason,
    I saw the video on youtube and I would like to get my local photography business on the first page of google.
    look forward to hearing from you.

  6. Hey Jason,
    I like what you do,I am trying to work on SEO for a while to put my business on top of first page on google.
    please help me how can i do it. would you please check my web and let me know ,


  7. Matt,

    Thank you for reaching out. We are currently working on putting together a very small group for an upcoming SEO class where we teach these strategies that I’ve been getting results with. If you would like to be on the list be sure to subscribe at and you will know first when our upcoming class will be.

    This will be a hands on workshop type learning.

  8. Hi Jason,

    Would you please contact me at 704-776-3265?

    Regards, Sam

  9. I am in car service business as a driver. Recently I build this website to advertise in Google or other media to let interested service needed people to find me.

    With your help putting me on Google first page on higher listed will be be highly appreciated.



  10. Hello , Jason

    Please I would like you to help me listed my limo/car services business on the source engine.
    Thank you for your help.

  11. Jamaes Dhone says

    I would like getting help getting my business to the top of google search.

  12. Jamaes Dhone says

    I would like help with my business, and getting it to the top of Google search.

  13. Hi Jason,

    Hope your well.

    I came across you on you tube, trying to get my business on the next level. customers galore.

    can you ring me please on 44(0) 790 240 490

    Thanks viv

  14. Anthony from south Africa in cape town
    I would like to advertise my business on google and i want to be on the first page in cape town.Am a technician for laptops and sell laptops and computers.

  15. If you are referring to my video at then I suggest you follow the link in the video description for more information on how I got my results.

    I’m not doing personal consulting on this right now and I am using other additional avenues as well since I published that video. If you want most of my ninja tips as they come out I suggest you sign up for my main tips list at

  16. Hi Jason

    I would like help with my business, and getting it to the top of Google search.


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