March 24, 2025

Driven Business Pro Entrepreneur Interview Series: Amazing Ideas Action and Results Stories from Amazing Entrepreneurs

I’m super excited to launch my Driven Business Pro Interview Series, and I want YOU to participate.


If you like the idea ask me about it on one of my social media profiles.

As a business owner and entrepreneur since 2003 in the lending business, not only am I passionate about serving my clients driven business pro interview series with jason wheelerbut I am also excited to serve and learn from my fellow business owners and entrepreneurs.

I feel like we can all learn something unique from one another.

I also decided that I wanted to do something new…

…Something I’ve never done before. That will help me learn and grow.

One thing I would like to grow with is online presentations using Google Hangouts or a conference call audio MP3.

That is why I am launching my 10 part “Driven Business Pro” Interview Series.

Watch This Video on My Idea for the Driven Business Pros Interview Series

Driven Business Pro Interview Series in a Nutshell

My idea for this series is to interview fellow entrepreneurs for a mutual benefit on a Google Hangout format.

Anyone can do a Google Hangout, it’s simple and all you need is a Google+ profile.

Or is you are camera shy… we can do a recorded conference call that you can share and download as an MP3.


Each interview will consist of four questions and I will drive traffic and exposure to them on several sites I manage.

Here several way you can benefit.

  • I’ll edify you as an expert in your field.
  • I will drive massive traffic to this interview.  Depending on what key words you want to use to describe your business it is highly likely although not guaranteed that I will get your interview on the top of Google for specific keywords.


  • I will allow you to plug your primary business with a link and contact information if you wish.

Questions for the Driven Business Pro Interview Series.

  1. What is a favorite famous quote that inspires you and why?
  2. Where did you come from?  Tell us your story on how you got to where you are.
  3. Tell us about your Ah HA!! Moment or when you felt like “You’ve Made it”
  4. What is your definition of success.
  5. Knowing what you know now… If you had to start over from scratch with zero.  What would you spend your time doing.
  6. What is your favorite business or success book mentor or speaker and why?

In closing I will give you an opportunity to plug you site and your business.  I will drive traffic to these interviews for you and you can embed a link on your site too.

The goal is to have each interview in the series be inspiring, educational and show you in as an authority in your field.

I’d like each interview to be between 10 and 20 minutes depending on how much you like to talk…

When you decide that you want to participate simply go to the contact us tab call or email me and we will set up the time in the next week or so to fit our schedules.

I’m looking forward to working with you on this project

– Jason Wheeler

PS: Leave me your thoughts below in the comments section let me know what you think.


About Jason Wheeler - Real Estate & Lending

Thank you for visiting my website! I'm Jason Wheeler and I've been a top producing Bay Area consultant in real estate and finance since 2003. People are hands down my #1 passion. I believe relationships are the most important thing in the world. In the realm of real estate and financing however, things can be convoluted, frustrating and down right upsetting in a lot of cases. I work HARD to always make people first, and strive to not only help them with their Real Estate and financial goals but to pull back the curtains and EDUCATE people on the processes, what they can do, what they can’t do and how to make the pieces fit in any given situation.


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