You can Save Money on Your Bay Area Mortgage Using Equity Accelerator
Want to Pay off your mortgage twice as fast as you originally planned and save thousand in interest?
…Of course you do!
If you want to get the most savings while paying off your bay area home loan I always recommend to my clients and colleagues to make split bi-weekly payments.
Making split “bi-weekly payments” can save you a fortune on your bay area home loan while shaving years and payments off the term of the loan as well.
In this example of a bay area home loan with a balance of $417,000 on a 30 year fixed loan you shave almost 4 years of time off the amortization schedule.
You will save over $35,000 in interest over the life of the loan (This is basically money you throw at the bankers) and not to mention you will build equity faster and manage your funds much better.
Bi-Weekly Mortgage Payment Savings Example
Click on the link below and calculate your bi-weekly payments and see how much you can save and how much faster you can pay off your current mortgage.
If you would like to look at the current balance of your Bay Area Home Loan and see if Bi-Weekly Payment set up makes sense for you just get in touch with us today at the link below.
**Get Your Bi-Weekly Payments Set Up Today on your Loan**
Thanks for reading and I hope this nugget was helpful for you.
– Jason Wheeler
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