March 23, 2025

Home Sales Surge in Pleasant Hill California While Surrounding Cities Stay Flat

Posted by Jason Wheeler | Fully Follow Me | Subscribe

Home sales in Pleasant Hill California have had quite a surge in the last month and reach their highest point in the last year. Do you think this trend will continue? Surrounding cities that share a border with Pleasant Hill CA such as Lafayette, Concord, Walnut Creek and Martinez have yet to see surges like this…

What is it that is setting a city like Pleasant Hill California apart from it’s neighboring cities? What is keeping YOU from getting pre approved for a mortgage loan and contacting your local Realtor? In most cases you can save money compared to what you are paying in rents!

As a long time resident, business owner and your Mortgage Lending Expert I want to know one thing… What is it that is keeping you from buying your piece of real estate in today’s market. Leave me your comment at the bottom of this blog post.


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About Jason Wheeler - Real Estate & Lending

Thank you for visiting my website! I'm Jason Wheeler and I've been a top producing Bay Area consultant in real estate and finance since 2003. People are hands down my #1 passion. I believe relationships are the most important thing in the world. In the realm of real estate and financing however, things can be convoluted, frustrating and down right upsetting in a lot of cases. I work HARD to always make people first, and strive to not only help them with their Real Estate and financial goals but to pull back the curtains and EDUCATE people on the processes, what they can do, what they can’t do and how to make the pieces fit in any given situation.


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