March 26, 2025

Tips for Getting Hired In a Tough Economy

Posted by Jason Wheeler | Fully Follow Me | Subscribe

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I’ve been talking to a lot of people out there that are looking for tips on getting hired and finding a job in today’s really tough economy. One of the problems is that so many companies that ARE hiring use online applications. Often it is very difficult to follow up with phone calls too. Many time calls are intercepted by “gatekeepers” and it can be near impossible to get in touch with a hiring manger, executive or CEO.

It really can be tough to stand in such a large pool of applicants. Here are some great tips on how YOU can stand out from the rest when applying for employment in this tough economy.


Write Hand Written Notes

If you find a company where you know you would love to work but you just can’t get your foot in the door for an interview. Try writing a short hand written note on stationary or a Thank You card. This will set you apart from the masses and likely get the attention of a hiring manager. I recently heard a story from a friend that put out 20 applications. She followed up not only with phone calls but with hand written notes exclaiming how EXCITED she was to be a part of the company and how she was looking forward to an initial interview or a meeting. Needless to say she got phone calls and meetings scheduled for quite a few of the jobs she sent notes to.

Be persistent… if you don’t get a response or a meeting after the first note. Send one per week. A manager or CEO can avoid all of your phone calls however they are very likely to notice if you consistently show interest with a hand written note. Try it!


Perfect Your Elevator Pitch

When someone asks you what you do, what are the first words out of your mouth?  If the words aren’t ready to roll off your tongue, then read on . . .

When someone asks you what you do, make sure you’re ready with a response that is succinct but memorable. The attention span of the average adult is only 20 seconds; a long, drawn-out answer to the question isn’t going to work. You need to develop an effective elevator pitch.

Read more about my 4 Steps to a Perfect Elevator Pitch here


Make Your Resume Easily Accessible

When you hand a Resume out while looking to get hired in a tough economy, often people don’t want to carry around a huge piece of paper and it will be thrown away right?

I recommend creating a pdf version of your resume and posting it online. Have some business cards made with the link to your resume and hand them to hiring managers. A business card is much more likely to sit on a managers desk and be noticed than a resume that may be filed away or thrown away at anytime.

You can learn how to make a pdf version of your resume along with a ton of other paperless business tools right here.


If you are looking to get hired in today’s tough economy these tips will help you for sure. Try them out in the job market field today and comment below on how they worked for you. Better yet while you are looking for a job don’t forget that you can do a ton of things to make money in a down economy. Read my Six Figure Blueprint and get some great ideas.


About Jason Wheeler - Real Estate & Lending

Thank you for visiting my website! I'm Jason Wheeler and I've been a top producing Bay Area consultant in real estate and finance since 2003. People are hands down my #1 passion. I believe relationships are the most important thing in the world. In the realm of real estate and financing however, things can be convoluted, frustrating and down right upsetting in a lot of cases. I work HARD to always make people first, and strive to not only help them with their Real Estate and financial goals but to pull back the curtains and EDUCATE people on the processes, what they can do, what they can’t do and how to make the pieces fit in any given situation.

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