March 25, 2025

Concord California First Time Home Buyer Down Payment Assistance Program

First Time Homebuyer Program Concord CA

What is the First Time Homebuyer Program?

It is a second mortgage loan program to assist qualified low-income individuals with the purchase of their first home.

What are the maximum income limits and FTHB loan amounts?

Income eligibility is based on Household size. The maximum loan amount is determined by the income bracket of the household. Households earning at or below 100% of Area Median Income are eligible for up to a $40,000 loan. (Refer to household size at all income levels)

How much money can I borrow?

The maximum loan amount is 20% of the home sales price, or appraised value, whichever is lower, up to the maximum of $40,000 based on household income and household size.

Household Size 60% of Median* 80% of Median* 100% of Median*
1 $37,500 $46,350 $62,500
2 $42,840 $53,000 $71,450
3 $48,240 $59,600 $80,350
4 $53,580 $66,250 $89,300
5 $57,840 $71,550 $96,450
6 $62,160 $76,850 $103,600
7 $66,420 $82,150 $110,750
Maximum Loan Amount $40,000 $30,000 $20,000

* As of April 2, 2009

Who is eligible for a loan?

Borrower must be a first time homebuyer, which is a household that has not owned a home within the past three years. Borrowers must be able to qualify for a first mortgage from a participating lender. The homebuyer must provide a minimum of 3% of the purchase price.

What homes are eligible for purchase?

Homebuyers may purchase an existing single-family detached home, condominium, or townhouse located anywhere within Concord City Limits.

What are the loan terms?

  • Borrower’s Disclosure (currently being updated)
  • The loan is a zero-interest, 15-year loan. Loan payments are deferred, with the loan being due at the end of 15 years or earlier if the house is sold.
  • The City loan carries shared appreciation, when the home is sold. For example, if the original sales price is $200,000 and the City loan is $20,000, the City’s "share" of the appreciation is 10%. At the time of sale or refinance to pay off the City loan, 10% of the appreciation will need to be paid to the City. When the City loan is paid off the shared appreciation obligation ceases.

Inclusionary Housing

The FTHB Program may be used in conjunction with affordable units generated through the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance to purchase a new home. The income eligibility is based on household size and is allowable up to 120% of Area Median Income cap ($107,150 for a family of 4). In cases where the FTHB Program is used to purchase an Inclusionary unit, the loan may be increased up to $50,000. This increase is intended to encourage low and moderate-income families to purchase inclusionary units, which are subject to the 45-year deed restriction. Although new inclusionary units are not for sale at this time, units are anticipated to be built over the next few years.

Are there any other requirements?

  • Borrowers must attend a City-approved FTHB Counseling Workshop. Schedule a free workshop online through Classes are typically held within Concord at least two Saturdays per month.
  • A home purchased under the FTHB program must be, and remain, the borrower’s principal place of residence. The property cannot be leased or rented during the term of the City loan.
  • Persons with ownership in most real estate assets are not eligible.
  • Funds are limited. Assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis, as long as funds remain available.

For First Time Home Buyer classes schedule on-line at:

Until Next time Here is to your success! Jason Wheeler 925-285-2172 | Come to a FREE Bay Are Event |

About Jason Wheeler - Real Estate & Lending

Thank you for visiting my website! I'm Jason Wheeler and I've been a top producing Bay Area consultant in real estate and finance since 2003. People are hands down my #1 passion. I believe relationships are the most important thing in the world. In the realm of real estate and financing however, things can be convoluted, frustrating and down right upsetting in a lot of cases. I work HARD to always make people first, and strive to not only help them with their Real Estate and financial goals but to pull back the curtains and EDUCATE people on the processes, what they can do, what they can’t do and how to make the pieces fit in any given situation.


  1. Susan Pryor says
  2. Susan Pryor says

    I think these informations really sound very interesting and it seems that this down payment assistance program can help in deciding where I should have my housing loan. Thank you.

    Down Payment Assistance

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